Photos, testimonials, and beautiful birth stories....
Testimonials from our amazing clients...
Using a Consciously Born BIRTH doula & POSTPARTUM doula
Rachel writes: Whitney is amazing and her doula services are priceless! During my pregnancy we had several hour-long meetings to discuss concerns and prepare for the birth. She went over stages of labor and gave me tips on eating and exercise to stay healthy and prepare for the birth. The day my son was born she was there to help with things like knowing when to go to the hospital. She called in advance to reserve our room and when we got there she knew exactly where to go. She made sure I stayed hydrated throughout the entire thing, fixed my bath for me, was literally there for me to lean on her during contractions that I had while standing. She gave words of encouragement throughout the whole thing and helped me communicate with the nurses during active labor. Right after my baby was born she stayed for about an hour helping to keep me hydrated, bringing me wet cloths for baby poo, and providing reassurance. She visited me during recovery to see how we were all doing and brought me food. As my post-partum doula she came to my home to check on me and help with cleaning, fixing lunch, and playing with my 3-year-old. She also prepared my placenta as pills! Overall she was essential in smoothing out the entire process. I can't imagine going through another birth without her! I birthed my first son without any doula and the difference has been night and day. Highly recommended! Mandy writes:
Early on, I was unsure of what I wanted. I had so many questions about pregnancy and childbirth. Did I want an epidural? Were some of the common ob practices dangerous or just not right for me? Where did I belong on the contemporary continuum of birthing options? I didn't know where to turn and so I began to research natural childbirth. Very soon thereafter I knew it was exactly what I wanted to pursue; the choice just felt right for me. A quick internet search brought me to Central Arkansas Birth Works and after a meeting with the Midwife my husband and I began to interview doulas. Chadwick was the first doula we met and I instantly felt a connection. Not only was she kind and thoughtful but she was also very professional and direct. I felt that I not only would she be someone I could trust for sound advice and information but that my husband and I could lean on her emotionally during one of the most beautiful and intimate times of our lives. We decided to hire her without any further interviews and it was absolutely a wonderful choice. Chadwick supported us through multiple meetings during our pregnancy and even went out of her way to take us on a hospital tour instead of letting us go it alone. She answered every question that I had, even when I felt they were silly or unimportant. Never once did she make me feel like my needs or concerns were trivial; she was always there for me. When the day of my daughter's birth did arrive we felt calm, prepared, and supported. Chadwick stayed with me for almost 24 hours while I continued through my beautiful labor and delivery. Her knowledge and positivity allowed me to move through the process without fear and I am forever grateful to her for that. Chadwick is an amazing woman and an amazing doula. I would recommend to anyone, even if you are unsure of what you want. Marcella writes: I'm the mother of two girls, Matilda and Polly Lu. I am so excited to share my very own birth story and my experience with Chadwick, my doula, my guide, my supporter, and my friend throughout my second pregnancy. Four years ago Matilda was born. After only a few hours into labor I was given an epidural, which was a huge relief, but also changed completely my experience with labor and delivery. I wasn't having a natural birth anymore; I felt no pain, no contractions, and no urge to push. Even my post partum recovery wasn't as easy as it should have been. It was only after this first experience that I understood the incomparable benefits of natural birth. In 2013, when I became pregnant with Polly Lu, I was very confident with my decision of having a natural birth. I also wanted to be well prepared and perfectly ready for it, and have as much support as I possibly could. The perfect answer to all my desires was having a doula. This is when I found Chadwick! For the next nine months I looked forward to our monthly meetings, where we would talk about my pregnancy, my feelings, and my ideas about birth. We created a birth plan that truly respected my personal wishes and birth preferences. It was such a treat to have Chadwick on my side! When time came for Polly Lu to be born I wanted to labor at home as long as possible, and I was able to do it without any stress or worry thanks to her support. She was there for me. She help me go through each and every contraction reminding me about breathing, easing my pain through hip pressures, and suggesting different key positions. All this made a big difference. I know my husband was very relaxed because Chadwick was there with us! I think every woman is "alone" when she's in labor. Everything happens between yourself and your body, and you're in your on world. But it's also true that every woman deserves to be supported and cared for, and I couldn't have made a better choice than having a doula by my side! My post partum recovery was so easy! As my body was gaining its strength back, the support around me was great! Chadwick was still there for me and came to visit us twice. I also had my placenta encapsulated and thanks to this my energy and mood were great! I clearly realize the benefits of the placenta pills when I compare my first post partum recovery to my second one. I took as many pills as Whitney suggested and I felt great. I wanted to be fully ready to take care of a new born and a four-year-old at the same time, and I know the placenta pills helped a lot. It was another well deserve treat! Thanks Chadwick and Whitney! Dads Dig Doulas
Brian writes: As a first time Dad, I didn't know what to expect. Our doula [Whitney] helped us navigate the hospital, always knew what was next, and was a trusted voice when it was time to make decisions. She helped us have the birth experience we deserved. Regarding Placenta Encapsulation
Alice writes: Okay so I wanted to share my experience that I've had using placental products. My son is 3 months. I ate my placenta via encapsulation for 4 weeks after he was born and felt great-a million times better than with my daughter when I did without . So last week, I was having an awful week. I was very hormonal- ei crying, crabby, feeling just blah. I have the placenta tincture , but I had only taken some once several weeks ago .When I got home from work my husband suggested I take some, I took about two droppers everyday since then. Talk about a HUGE difference. Everyone noticed, my family and esp my coworkers. What a blessing that tincture has been for me!!! I really just want to shout to the world, I ate my placenta and it was awesome lol....people don't seem to enjoy hearing about it but I still tell them when they ask about my drastic mood change. Thank you so much Whitney!! The "medicine" you have made for me!! It has helped myself and all that are around me since I'm not a lunatic yay! Mandy writes:
After some consideration, I decided to utilize Whitney's encapsulation services. As an individual who suffers from clinical depression, I was concerned about my increased chances for postpartum depression and wanted to take as many precautions as possible. After consulting with both my psychiatrist and my obstetrician, I decided to go for it. Both believed that it could only be beneficial. After my daughter's birth, Whitney promptly provided her services and I had the placenta pills within 3 days. I followed her instructions for storage and dosage and I truly believe that they helped to keep me feeling healthy and happy during the early postpartum days. Frankly, I didn't even have many emotional dips over the first two weeks. With my history, I fully believe that this is due to the placenta encapsulation. Although some individuals choose to save some of the placenta pills, I took the entirety of mine. It was the right choice and well worth the money, as Whitney literally took care of everything. I didn't have to give it a second thought while in labor and delivery. If I have another child, I will absolutely use this service again. Not only did I feel great physically and have a short recovery, but I felt at peace emotionally. I believe that I owe this, in great part, to my choice to do placental encapsulation. |
Beautiful birth stories that our clients have shared with us...
Chadwick Kerr as their doula
Whitney as their doula
Chadwick Kerr as their doula
Chadwick Kerr as their doula